Sunday, February 20, 2011


A leader by definition is one that guides and inspires. It does't states one that stands out or more superior than the others, but instead it's the process of social influence in which one person can enlist and aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.

Guess it comes from the confidence and the social level of a person. Sweet, guess I can be the inspiring one after all :)

Monday, July 19, 2010


I've finally come to realization, that when you are having something that doesn't belongs to you, it will never be yours.

I used to experience the same thing about what is going on right now, I told myself that I will never be like that. But due to certain amount of influences, I was forced to be what I once strongly protest against. When that happens, I knew that what I'm doing isn't me.

If people accomplish something for you, because of the fear that you instill in them, it's called extortion of willingness.

But if people do something because of the respect they have in you, it's called inspiration.

I choose inspiration, and I'll stay strong to it! I'll be myself now, nothing but the wisdom of God will be my guidance.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A post of gratitude

JB was complaining that his picture was the first thing that people see when they enter my blog. Well, he’s shy person.

Anyway, yesterday seems to be a very pleasant day, nice weather, less people in Campus, all things were going very well :)

Here’s the main reason of this post, thanks to the greatness of technological advancement, I get to thank most of the great people that went through all the trouble just to make my ordinary day extraordinary.

Friends’ version

What i thought: The day started normal, skipped Law lecture due to laziness :D I was all excited in the morning because apparently I was supposed to present to one of Tj’s uncle about ScoreA. Wore formal for the event. Followed TJ’s car to windmill, and he told me that his uncle is buying us dinner while we present to him. Or at least that’s what I thought so.

What really happened: All of the friends went to windmill straight after block lecture, patiently waiting. So the group become Tj’s “uncle”

Heart attack #1 – I was looking for Tj’s uncle, but so many familiar faces stood in front me instead. Surprised I was, but they said I was emotionless.

Heart attack #2 – Another bunch of friends came from behind whilst the birthday song was sang, I had no idea how to react.

Later on Shan lung, Tian Hao and Jo ee joined the fun with some Left4dead 2 action! Have a tea session after that, that marks the overwhelming birthday celebration of mine!

The day was great, one of the best moments of my life. This will definitely be sealed tight in my memory bank. :) Thanks guys!


Family’ version

Dinner was at Subang parade in a Thai restaurant. Blessings and wishes from aunt and uncle made my day. Great dinner, great family members, great cake.

Had a little celebration at the bar in Holiday Villa. Some beers and chit chat session with cousin Jason, it was awesome :)





An awesome ESPIRIT shirt, an amazing PDI polo shirt and a remarkable birthday card with full of great wishes.


A marvelous SEED bag, its such a beauty don’t you think? :)

All credit goes to all of my great friends that were and were not there to make my day fantastic!

Credit : Thanks to

Tj, Ben, Nick, Shao Xian, Siang, Yeevon, Su Jun, Xue wei, Sally, Weiyi, Pei wah, Rhen xiang, Kok Hooi, Tian hao, Jo ee, Shan lung, Mei San, Shi Hui, Wan Yi, Rui Min, Jackson, Maggie Sim, Yee Chia, Janet,

Special Thanks :

Mei San: For the great effort in getting the great birthday gifts and the surprise. Love them!

Pei Wah: For organizing the great surprise birthday bash and present, it was totally awesome! Totally enjoyed it! Thanks for the effort :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Once upon a time, a JB was born…

2009 years ago, Christ was born. And so Christmas came along. 19 years ago, JB was born, and so my BEST Friend came along.

Despite of the quarrels and fights that we used to have, he would still be always there for me. No doubt, a great friend, a great guy.

However he’s a total opposite of me, a quiet cool type of guy. I guess that’s what made us clique so much. =)


19032008232 jun bien


Best trait of all? He’s still single and available! Come and grab him fast!


*A post specially dedicated to JB Law, my best friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY *

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A pleasant return.

Despite of the hectic schedules they are facing, they always have time for a friend. :)

Friday night out

Bear, Kah Ching, Bobo Tan, Jb, Lily, Soon Keat, Hamyu, joyce,






All time favorite hang out place – TC

JB, Feng,





Last but not least, my best friend JB. I tell you all ah, this guy don’t usually hang out at late hours wan lo. Despite of the habit, he always violate them for me. haha. So nice of him.


JB law


Despite of his always-oh-so-busy schedule, his door is always open for me.. *notice the slight crack*

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The illusionist

The eyes see what they ‘thought’ they saw.


the mind game

Let’s not think of it shall we?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Once upon a time, a BOBO was born.

Bobo Tan, best buddy you could ever get. He’s one of a kind. Taught me how to live my life to the fullest. A great guy, a great friend and a companion to be with. Happy birthday BOBO Tan Chin Boo.



chin boo


Those were the days =)

Have a great one!!